
Phonak Hearing Aids

Phonak Hearing Aids

The Company The corporate headquarters of Phonak are in Zurich, Switzerland. Founded in 1947, Phonak is regarded by many as the leading platform for hearing aid innovation. The quality of the latest Phonak Lumity Hearing Aid is a testament to that. It only comes in...

Context is Key: How Context Shapes Conversation

Context is Key: How Context Shapes Conversation

The phrase "lost in translation" is common in modern conversations. In a world where there are various means of communication like email, social media, and the telephone, it’s easy to get lost in the context of the conversation. The key here is context....

Hearing Loss and Visual Learners

Hearing Loss and Visual Learners

the myth and reality Learner Characteristics The concept of learner characteristics is used in the sciences of learning and cognition to designate a target group of learners and define those aspects of their self that may influence how and what they learn. Learner...



Ageing and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE) A three year ACHIEVE study began as a randomized controlled trial in January 2018 within the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA. The...

Hearing Aid Clinicians

Hearing Aid Clinicians

Who can legally fit hearing aids in Australia? Clinicians who are professionally trained will be members of a professional body such as-:  Audiology Australia (AA)  Australian College of Audiology (ACAud)  Hearing Aid Audiologists Society of Australia (HAASA)...

How well do you hear in noise?

How well do you hear in noise?

Normal hearing tests are not an accurate assessment of how well you should be performing in background noise.Speech understanding in noise cannot be reliably predicted from the pure tone audiogram (Killion & Niquette, 2000).A common issue with people with a...

Channels and Bands

Channels and Bands

Hearing Aids are designed to enhance the sounds coming into your ears making them clearer, with more volume or gain. The significance of smaller more powerful hearing aids increases the capabilities of the hearing aids to improve your experience. In this article we...

Auditory Deprivation & Brain Deterioration

Auditory Deprivation & Brain Deterioration

The term 'auditory deprivation' refers to a person's lack of adequate hearing stimulation.Audiologists have noted that people who do not deal with their hearing loss for several years following the first signs of hearing loss, may have already caused irreparable...

What Kind of Learner are You?

What Kind of Learner are You?

It's all about style One of the curious things about human nature is that we all learn in different ways. There is no right way or wrong way to learn, just different methods and styles that work in unique ways for each individual. The key to better learning is to...

Sudden Hearing Loss

Sudden Hearing Loss

A Medical Emergency Robert: "In July last year, I woke up one morning with no hearing in my right ear. It was a feeling similar to having an ear blockage when the cabin pressure changes while flying in an aeroplane and having to adjust the air pressure in the middle...

Hearing Loss and the NDIS

Hearing Loss and the NDIS

Introduction The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to people with disabilities, their families and carers. It is jointly governed and funded by the Australian, State and Territory governments. It replaces the previous system of disability...

Phonak Audeo M (Marvel) Hearing Aid

Phonak Audeo M (Marvel) Hearing Aid

Phonak Audeo M (Marvel) Bluetooth Hearing Aid - Made for Android & iPhone. This hearing aid has amazing features like streaming to both ears and has various features and models across the range. The aid has a switch that allows you to increase volume or decrease...

Oticon Opn Ambassador

Oticon Opn Ambassador

Transcript of Video: To me hearing aids aren't about hearing better. Hearing aids are about connecting better. Helping you connect with the people around you in a better way. No one is going to want to admit they have...

4 Hearing Aid Features you will want

4 Hearing Aid Features you will want

The latest Unitron Hearing Aids feature the following 4 capabilities-:SoundNav precisely identifies and classifies signals into seven distinct environments, blending them to match real life. And it’s the only solution out there that has four...

Hearing Aids Do Not Work

Hearing Aids Do Not Work

People notice varying degrees of success with hearing aids.If you were considering purchasing hearing aids for the first time or upgrading after a disappointing response to hearing aids, these are the issues to investigate. Find someone who has had a success with...

Conversations at the pub

Conversations at the pub

Every time I get a new set of hearing aids I head straight to the pub. Usually I am euphoric at the clarity and quality improvements but it is not just to celebrate.The pub is where you can really test how the hearing aids work in a difficult to hear situations. The...

Using Headphones with your hearing aids

Using Headphones with your hearing aids

Until recent improvements in hearing aid technology, you could not wear headphones with your aids. You can now - this opens up a great many scenarios previously not available. The squealling ("acoustic feedback" or just "feedback") of a hearing aid when you cup your...

Getting used to your hearing aids

Getting used to your hearing aids

Some of the interesting experiences people have when using a new set or hearing aids can vary from individual to individual. Also the severity of hearing loss and the length of time you have suffered a hearing loss can affect your reaction to wearing hearing aids for...

A Hearing Aid Can Change Your Life

A Hearing Aid Can Change Your Life

Here are some of the things you may do once you hear better with a modern hearing aid. Navigate using my mobile in the car Many people would not be aware that someone with a hearing issue may not be able to hear the instructions from mobile navigating devices.People...

Get rid of the clunky Hearing Aid

Get rid of the clunky Hearing Aid

Still wearing an old clunker of a hearing aid? In this article we are going to analyse the improvents in technology and discover why holding on to old technology especially if you can afford an upgrade is not in your interests.Technology improves, processing power...

How loud is it?

How loud is it?

Hearing aid manufacturer Starkey have created a useful App that measures the loudness in decibels of your environment.This can be useful as a hearing aid wearer your most precious asset is your hearing.You can also use this app to measure in which...

Latest Hearing Aids

Latest Hearing Aids

As a hearing aid wearer you may be interested in the differences the latest technology can provide.The overall feeling is less mental work in various hearing environments.Instead of limiting yourself to 2 meetings a day you may find you can go all day.The ball and...

Processing Speed of Hearing Aids

Processing Speed of Hearing Aids

Just like the processing speed of a fast computer - processing speed in a quality hearing aid adds to the user experience.You can feel the difference.You have to work far less in conversations - less effort is required to understand conversations. Click on the image...

Hearing In Noise

Hearing In Noise

Almost everyone will struggle to understand a speaker when there is loud background noise close by.Some of these noises people with normal hearing take for granted.People with a hearing loss can really stuggle in these environments. "can you hear plane flight...

Hearing Aids Gold Coast

Hearing Aids Gold Coast

At we pioneered listing prices across brands in Australia.Before our site launched people had to ring around and go through a set sales pitch or simply be told  we do not disclose prices over the phone without an appointment. ...

Problems Hearing at Meetings

Problems Hearing at Meetings

One issue people with a hearing loss encounter is embarassing scenarios where their poor hearing is exposed. Today's hearing aids expertly fitted can eliminate these problems for people who just want to function better in the work environment. No one will even know...

How to Compare Hearing Aids

How to Compare Hearing Aids

When it comes to comparing hearing aids, it’s vital that you don’t just compare one product with another, but that you compare the entire package that a clinician is offering you. Here are a few questions to ask when comparing hearing aids -: Do I prefer an in the ear...

Simulating a Hearing Loss

Simulating a Hearing Loss

What is is like to have a hearing loss? We have taken a recording of a conversation and given 3 scenarios to help give a person with normal hearing an understanding of the difficulties a person with hearing loss may encounter. Hearing Chart of High Frequency...

Choice of Hearing Aids

Choice of Hearing Aids

What does it mean to be offered a choice of hearing aids, and why most hearing aid centres in Australia limit your choice?Audiologists who work in enterprises that do not offer free choice of brands or have quotas for one main brand are limiting your choice.Rarely is...

Digital Hearing Aids

Digital Hearing Aids

The real value in a digital hearing aid is it allows manufacturers to load up quality features.Gain ProcessingThe ability to increase sounds across a band or frequency reduces discomfort to wearers.Earlier analog hearing aids often amplified sounds or frequencies you...

Hearing Aid Prices important

Hearing Aid Prices important

We like our clients to know the prices of hearing aids before they do business with us.For example many people are researching hearing aids for themselves or very often for a loved one.Imagine going to a hairdresser who starts cutting your hair without you knowing how...

Choosing a hearing aid

Choosing a hearing aid

Choosing which type of hearing instrument is best for you is a very individual thing, and requires specialist advice. Before choosing a style, seek advice from our Audiologists and consider these factors: Degree and frequencies of hearing loss Not all styles are...



Audeo SMART, the world's smallest hearing system with full wireless functionality, is the choice if you want top performance with manual control and unlimited connectivity. Audeo SMART features SoundRecover for expanded audibility of high frequencies, ZoomControl with...

The first site in Australia to list major brands of hearing aids and prices.
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