Hearing Aids Gold Coast

Hearing Aids Gold Coast

At we pioneered listing prices across brands in Australia.Before our site launched people had to ring around and go through a set sales pitch or simply be told  we do not disclose prices over the phone without an appointment. ...
Problems Hearing at Meetings

Problems Hearing at Meetings

One issue people with a hearing loss encounter is embarassing scenarios where their poor hearing is exposed. Today’s hearing aids expertly fitted can eliminate these problems for people who just want to function better in the work environment. No one will even...
How to Compare Hearing Aids

How to Compare Hearing Aids

When it comes to comparing hearing aids, it’s vital that you don’t just compare one product with another, but that you compare the entire package that a clinician is offering you. Here are a few questions to ask when comparing hearing aids -: Do I prefer an in the ear...
Simulating a Hearing Loss

Simulating a Hearing Loss

What is is like to have a hearing loss? We have taken a recording of a conversation and given 3 scenarios to help give a person with normal hearing an understanding of the difficulties a person with hearing loss may encounter. Hearing Chart of High Frequency...
Choice of Hearing Aids

Choice of Hearing Aids

What does it mean to be offered a choice of hearing aids, and why most hearing aid centres in Australia limit your choice?Audiologists who work in enterprises that do not offer free choice of brands or have quotas for one main brand are limiting your choice.Rarely is...
Digital Hearing Aids

Digital Hearing Aids

The real value in a digital hearing aid is it allows manufacturers to load up quality features.Gain ProcessingThe ability to increase sounds across a band or frequency reduces discomfort to wearers.Earlier analog hearing aids often amplified sounds or frequencies you...