Channels and Bands

Channels and Bands

Hearing Aids are designed to enhance the sounds coming into your ears making them clearer, with more volume or gain. The significance of smaller more powerful hearing aids increases the capabilities of the hearing aids to improve your experience. In this article we...
Auditory Deprivation & Brain Deterioration

Auditory Deprivation & Brain Deterioration

The term ‘auditory deprivation’ refers to a person’s lack of adequate hearing stimulation.Audiologists have noted that people who do not deal with their hearing loss for several years following the first signs of hearing loss, may have already caused...
What Kind of Learner are You?

What Kind of Learner are You?

It’s all about style One of the curious things about human nature is that we all learn in different ways. There is no right way or wrong way to learn, just different methods and styles that work in unique ways for each individual. The key to better learning is...
Sudden Hearing Loss

Sudden Hearing Loss

A Medical Emergency Robert: “In July last year, I woke up one morning with no hearing in my right ear. It was a feeling similar to having an ear blockage when the cabin pressure changes while flying in an aeroplane and having to adjust the air pressure in the...
Hearing Loss and the NDIS

Hearing Loss and the NDIS

Introduction The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to people with disabilities, their families and carers. It is jointly governed and funded by the Australian, State and Territory governments. It replaces the previous system of disability...
Phonak Audeo M (Marvel) Hearing Aid

Phonak Audeo M (Marvel) Hearing Aid

Phonak Audeo M (Marvel) Bluetooth Hearing Aid – Made for Android & iPhone. This hearing aid has amazing features like streaming to both ears and has various features and models across the range. The aid has a switch that allows you to increase volume or...
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